Sunday, November 26, 2006

Into the Woods

Having never backpacked before, I agreed to Matt's idea to hike, sleep and backpack in the woods. It was magestic and inspiring and the air was crisp and the hot springs were phenomenol. That being said, I spent my entire last night (of 2) having vivid and beautiful dreams about being able to take a shower.


Day one of the Mary and Matt Thanksgiving Road Trip Classic began at the Monterey Bay Aquarium where one has the opportunity to reflect on the beauty of life under the sea, the impishness of Sea Otters and some of the finer points of human behavior that large tourist attractions always bring out.

Jellyfish are pretty.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

And in the beginning, there was booze

Welcome to the very first blog entry of a blog created to post travel photos, to (hopefully) entertain and to stir up deep seated feelings of envy and resentment among those dear friends stuck at work and bored. Clearly, this blog is meant to enlighten.

I'd like to commence this grand experiment in self-discipline with one of my favorite travel photos of all time. Clearly, when choosing a store name, these store owners sought to enlighten as well.
