Friday, August 31, 2007

Signs, Signs, Everywhere the Signs

So this was just too off to resist posting. Translation: We´re not Chinese, But we´re having a sale.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Explanation Please?

We just didn´t (and still don´t) know what to make of this sign.
For what it´s worth, we resisted the urge to streak on the wall.

Mazel Tov!

We returned to the United States for my best friend`s wedding spectacular... The service was beautiful, the bride was lovely and the groom kept his curmudgeonly self in check (look at the smile on him in the above photo). All in all it was a fabulous time and a learning experience.
Things learned:
1. Doing things in the U.S. can be more hectic than death-defying bus rides and daily dog-chase-piglet skirmishes.
2. Sentimental yet funny rhyming poems don`t work well for wedding speeches.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Recap

Having left Central America and Mexico deserves a photo roundup. If you´re bored at work, feel free to check out our "best of" photos of the first leg of the trip here:

It´s fun... you can compare how much weight we´ve lost and how much tanner we became over the last few months (there´s no need to point out that only Matt lost weight).

¡Onward to South America!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Con Photo

Today we straddled the equator. Literally stood with our feet in different halves of the world, with Corliolis forces affecting the two halves of our body in opposite directions. I do not have anything funny or smart to say. I just thought you all should know this and we should get back to posting more often.

(And we´ll post a photo here soon. Promise, promise.)