Friday, February 1, 2008


So, everyone loves a cruise. Well, maybe not everyone.

Honestly the thought of one has always frightened me. But somehow we ended up on a four-day, three-night boat ride (meals included) through the islands of Chilean Patagonia. Technically it was a cargo ferry, but any boat that has a bingo night is close enough to a cruise in my book.

Let me say that the icebergs, penguins, islands, seals, glaciers, sunsets, and straits were all spectacular. And we made great friends with our cabin mates. And we were blessed with beautiful weather. I mean you hear about people looking out cabin windows through sleet and snow at the islands, but we were up on deck worrying about getting sunburned. Yes, the food was pretty mediocre (a hint to cooks throughout Chile, herbs and spices are an acceptable way to inject flavor into food, it doesn´t all have to be done with mayo), and the lack of drinking water was obnoxious. But our first cruise was spectacular.

And I am fairly certain I won´t do another one for a long time.


Unknown said...

EW MAYO! Can't say it enough, mayo is gross. And if you don't believe me, ask Ryan, he'll tell you all about the grossness of mayo. Other than that, sounds pretty rad.

Nick Flip said...

ZOMGz! MAYO!?!!1?

Could their customs forms hold the secret to their cultural fixation on "mayo?"

We may never know.