Friday, February 1, 2008

Lamb the Argentine Way

A big touristy thing to do in Argentina is to visit an estancia-- a working sheep and cattle farm where cow hands show you how to rope cattle and you eat lots of good meat. The unfortunate thing about this activity is that most estancia stays start at about $60 a person and that´s a bit spendy to stare at cows. We`ve renamed all estancia tourism places Estancia Club Med.

So a few weeks ago we felt very lucky to have stumbled upon a working estancia in the middle of Parque Nacional Lanin in Argentina, where we camped in our tent amongst a field of sheep on a gorgeous lake in the middle of the Patagonian Lake district.

While there, our amazing luck continued and we met the worlds kindest, greatest family who, upon seeing our ineptitude at making campfires, invited us to join their family camp of 20 people for two days.

They taught us local dances to the tune of the ranch owner`s accordion, a guitar and a kid playing a drum (dance photo, aqui:, we drank wine out of cow bladders (photo:
), and Matt watched the lamb we roasted be killed (roasted lamb is in the above photo). Matt also had the opportunity to watch the castration of a bull (if you have any interest, testicles sans cow can be seen here: ). Basically, it was an incredible time of bad spanish, great grilled meat and a feeling of love and inclusiveness.

And, of course, the lamb was some of the best we`ve ever tasted.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

After Mary poste this, the most looked at foto on our flickr account was a castrated bull. We have some sick readers out there.