Thursday, February 28, 2008

The End of an Era

Well, there's so much to say... First off, we have left South America and are now in Europe... Italy to be precise. It's beautiful, the food is good, the toilets flush, but...

As we were leaving Buenos Aires, I couldn't stop thinking about how much I have come to love the idiosycrsies of Latin America... the bad music guaranteed to be played on buses, the packs of wild dogs in the streets, the diligent dirt watering of the shop keepers, the ability of roosters to live just about anywhere... it's all just so good there. I think it's fair to say that we both loved Latin America. From Mexico to the tip of Argentina, it's an amazing place and we were lucky to see it.

And, another era has ended... Matt turned 30 on Tuesday, and now he's all grown up. Or something.


Carrie Sandahl said...

Happy Late Birthday Matt! Hope you're enoying 30 as much as I am. I was pleasantly surprise with how not-bad 30 is. I am so excited for you two on this part of your journey! Can't wait to read and see all the pics as you travel along.

Nick Flip said...


Maria said...

Feliz Cumpelanos, Mateo.

Wow, what a surprise to read that you are in Europe. I didn't know that part of the plan!!! Yes, Latin America is a special place with special people and you sure lived through so much. Enjoy Europe.

Saludos y un abrazo,
Maria Heimpel

Anonymous said...

hey guys belated happy birthday matt!!! welcome to europe! we are just back from aconcagua... i have never been so cold in my life! did not make the summit - i was about 200m short and paul turned back sooner with a migraine - pics will be up on our site soon! see you in SF if not in london! x becs and paul

Unknown said...

I can't even imagine the emotion involved in leaving a continent you've spent a wonderful year in. I left Mexico after spending a week there, and I gotta say, I'm pretty heartbroken. Lets all go live on a commune somewhere in Latin America. Who's in?! Oh, and happy bday Matt! I know you two are going to have a fantastic time in Europe as well!