Monday, May 28, 2007

Beautiful Belize

I highly recommend that you buy a ticket to Belize City and then take a commuter flight to Dangriga Town and then take a little boat out to Tobacco Caye, a five-acre island in the middle of the Caribbean. It´s an amazing experience, and honestly can be done on the cheap. Commuter flights are $30 and lodging in a cabin on the water including 3 meals is $30 a day.

Then, once you arrive on the island you only do a few things... You snorkle, you talk to the thirty other people on the small island, you eat meals prepared for you and served cafeteria style at 7am, 12 and 6pm, you sleep, you can read if you´re feeling ambitious and you stare at beautiful blue water. It´s not all paradise, however, as there is a serious risk of a coconut falling on your head. Start expedia searching for tickets now. You´ll be happy you did.

Fun fact: The Belize Great Barrier Reef is second only to THE Great Barrier Reef in Australia in terms of fish and corral species. Here´s a photo of the Caye in case you need more inspiration.


Unknown said...

You people suck.

nathan said...

good vibes, kathryn.


what's your budget? is that $30 for both of you?