Sunday, June 17, 2007

El Primero Dia de Escuela

So I always thought that if I had high school to do over again I wouldn't be nearly so nervous or insecure... Turns out that it's not true-- I still had all those first day jitters on my first day of Spanish school (look at the tense body language in this photo Matt snuck of me marching into class).


Dad said...

At least you weren't planning to run for class president.

Carrie Sandahl said...

You look determined and FANCY! I miss your determined and fancy-ass! Can't wait to see you in July!

DemPro said...

You hiked through mud and rivers to get to spanish class? When I was a kid in San Diego we used to hear stories about kids whose parents got deported (kids with them) and the families would crawl through sewers and cross deserts and the like to get back to San Diego so the kids could make it to school on Monday... I used to think it was an urban legend, but now at least I know the reverse is true.

Anonymous said...

So I'm sitting here at work, doing my fifth rewrite of our Recycled Water Rules and Regulations for the legislative code... and wishing that I was expected at spanish class. Slogging around in mud and flooded rivers sounds pretty enchanting from the safety of my desk ;-)
Oh well - back to the binders... sigh...